Everyone remembers their first love, well, even if we don't remember the person we will always remember the place, the feeling, the moment in which it took place. But to fall in love doesn't always have to be for someone --- you could fall in love with anything. My first love was football. The heart and gut-wrenching feeling of stepping out into the field was intoxicating. I lived and breathed football for 9 years and if it ain't love then I don't know what is (so Jess I totally get you!!!) Jess the main character in this surfing movie called First Love says "first love can make you and break you." And it really does. That's the beauty of love. Love is so big and whole you've got to embrace every part of it: the mushy and killer parts of it.
As for us Isla Boheme girls, though right now we may go out there discovering other water sports: kiteboarding, wakeboarding, rowing, we all share another 'first love' as well: surfing. Jess goes on and says, "You're always affected by your first love. If you fall in love with the ocean -- the sound, the smell, the stormy peaks and your pumping heart as you fall head over heels on your first attempt to catch a wave... you're gone." So, yes, we're gone. See you in the line up girls! :)
What is your first love?